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Fire & Wood Roofing:
Safety Of Wood Roofing...

There are many who will question the accuracy of this
Weather-Bos ™ report. For it is true, there is and probably always will be a great amount of conflict between promoters of cedar shakes & shingles and promoters of other roofing materials. Remember, there is a great deal of money at stake for all manufacturers. In addition, one seldom mentioned aspect of roofing material, is the subject of "personal safety."

No one can deny that cedar shakes and shingles burn; for that matter, so do asphalt fiberglass shingles. Since over 95% of all residential fires originate in the interior of the home, it is logical to relate "Safety" to the reduction of interior fires. However, "Safety" begins inside the home where carelessness, smoking, over-taxed electrical and heating equipment, plus other causes provide the true danger to the homeowner. It seems far more logical to provide fire-resistant furnishings (carpets, drapes, furniture, etc.) than fire retardant exterior building materials, such as various roofing materials.

Wood shake and shingle roofs, which are normally installed over "spaced" sheathing, "self ventilate" in the event of an interior fire, which is where 95 percent of all home fires originate.

Asphalt fiberglass roofing, on the other hand, is applied over "solid" decking, which severely restricts the ventilation of toxic gases and smoke to the outside. Loss of life in fires is often the result of suffocation from super heated smoke and gas, not the fire itself. It is little consolation to the homeowner that his roof was saved if he died from smoke inhalation.

National figures are not available, but an intensive study was made in Dallas during a 30-month period. During that time, no one died in a home with wood roofing. However, 88 people lost their lives in homes with asphalt shingled roofs.

What Are True Fire Statistics?

What Are Actual Insurance Costs?

Is Property Damage Higher?

Oakland Fire Update...

Typical Hysteria Prevails In News Media...

Oakland Fire Lawsuit...

Fire Statistics Contradict Facts...

Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau Report...

Architects Support Wood Industry...

Roofing Industry Supports New Technology...

Fire Rated Roofing Is Time Tested...

Wood Roofing Industry Only Asks For Truth...

Fire Treated Shakes, Shingles Respond...

UL Recognition

Rigorous Testing Procedures...

Projects Using Fire-Treated Shakes...

Total Roofing Performance...

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